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The HBE report for April 2023

Sebastian Marland
Publication Date
April 11, 2023

In the report of April 1st 2023, the NEa gives insight into the amount of HBEs that is available in the REV (Register Energie voor Vervoer - Registry for Energy in Transport). The report distinguishes between HBEs carried over from the previous years and those issued throughout the compliance year 2022.

The report also indicates the number of renewable fuel units that have been created so far. In the ongoing compliance year, 35% of the total HBE (hernieuwbare brandstofeenheden) is derived from renewable energy sources that have been supplied to the maritime industry.

The NEa issues four different types of HBEs, which correspond to the type of feedstock:

1. HBE Advanced (HBE-G)

Derived from certain residues and waste streams, as specified in Annex IX-A of the Renewable Energy Directive.

2. HBE Conventional (HBE-C)

Derived from energy crops.

3. HBE Others (HBE-O)

Derived mainly from renewable electricity.

4. HBE Annex IXB (HBE-IXB)

Derived from certain feedstocks, as specified in Annex IX-B of the Renewable Energy Directive. Examples of the used feedstocks are used cooking oil and certain types of animal fats.

Do you want to know more about the HBE system?
Reach out to our advisors today!

Source: De Nederlandse Emissieautoriteit Report